
ChatGPT Fun

Some initial simple prompts for OpenAI’s ChatGPT that were entertaining

“Write a song in the style of 90s Will Smith explaining why you should use unique passwords and a password manager”

Verse 1:

I used to be like you, never thought twice

About my passwords and usernames, they were all just nice

But then I learned the hard way, when my account got hacked

Lost all my data and my reputation, I was attacked


Use unique passwords, don’t be lazy

A password manager is the way to be crazy

Keep your accounts safe, protect your identity

Don’t let the hackers win, take control of your security

Verse 2:

Now I use a password manager, it’s so easy to use

I don’t have to remember every password, I just have to choose

A strong and unique password for each account, it’s the key

To keep my information safe and secure, it’s the way to be


Use unique passwords, don’t be lazy

A password manager is the way to be crazy

Keep your accounts safe, protect your identity

Don’t let the hackers win, take control of your security


Don’t take the risk, don’t be naive

Protect your data, it’s so crucial

Use a password manager, it’s the best way

To keep your accounts safe every day


Use unique passwords, don’t be lazy

A password manager is the way to be crazy

Keep your accounts safe, protect your identity

Don’t let the hackers win, take control of your security